Owner of the website : SCEV CHAMPAGNE JEAN FRANCOIS LAUNAY, rue de Venteuil, Arty – 51480 Venteuil, Agricultural Exploitation Group registered with the number 390 415 529 00010. With a capital of € 7,622.45.
Publishing Director: Gaëtan SEMENCE | Mail: | Phone: +33(0)3 26 58 48 54
Photographies & Copyright: SCEV CHAMPAGNE JEAN FRANCOIS LAUNAY ©, Célia LAMBINET (Boite à Cookies). Grappe varieties: « Pl@ntGrape, le catalogue des vignes cultivées en France, © UMT Géno-Vigne®, INRA – IFV – Montpellier SupAgro 2009-2015 ».
Site Design and Management : Boite à Cookies | Mail: | Phone:
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